After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any “Solution” Because They Will Be So Desperate November 30, 2020
UK minister warns that a normal life will not happen for those who refuse COVID vaccine November 30, 2020
Chinese sociologist says ‘As long as 1.4 billion Chinese people eat, sleep, defecate, and urinate every day,’ ‘we will drive the U.S. to its death’ November 30, 2020
Another election in Israel? “Blue and White will vote in favor of opposition leader Yair Lapid’s proposal to disperse the Knesset and initiate early elections” November 30, 2020
“Dark Winter” Was The Code Name For A Scenario In Which A Biological Weapon Was Used Against The American Populace November 29, 2020
Iranian newspaper urges strike on Haifa if Israel is responsible for killing of scientist November 29, 2020