Study Says Home Cooking Equals Better Health: 5 Ways to Cut Kitchen Time Without Sacrificing Nutrition

Those of us who are proponents of whole foods and scratch cooking have known it all along, but a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine confirms it.  Time spent in the kitchen equals a better diet. 1319 participants in the Seattle Obesity Study answered questions about the amount of time they spend preparing food for their families each day, including prepping, cooking, and cleaning up.

Winter gets a jump on the season with heavy snow, bitter cold

The winter pros in Minneapolis often make it until a few days before Christmas before the first 4-inch snowfall of the season. This year, they could get triple that by Monday night alone, as an icy blast dipping out of Canada brings an early load of snow across the upper Midwest. Along for the ride:

How to Create a Safe Room in Your House or Apartment

The homes of many rich, famous people have a secret hidden within them.  Somewhere, in the depths of the home, is a secure room to which the residents can retreat in the event of a home invasion or violent intruder.  A safe room was carved into the original house plan, and many of these are state of the art.

Housing Bubble 2.0 Has Popped

Yes, we have been in a housing bubble, in case you missed it. It started with the non-recovery post housing-crash in 2007. As foreclosures got sold, many people who had to foreclose or short sell were left with bad credit, lousy or no jobs and could not buy something else again.

Europe has 421 million fewer birds than it did 30 years ago

Europe has an estimated 421 million fewer birds than three decades ago, and current treatment of the environment is unsustainable for many common species, a study released on Monday said. The population crash is related to modern farming methods and the loss and damage of habitats, according to the study published in science journal Ecology Letters. “This is a warning from birds throughout Europe.

7 Key Tips To Getting Your Emergency Food Pantry Off The Ground

Re-published From Hersite I have to admit, when it comes to food saving, canning, and food storage, I have a long way to go in terms of learning the trade. I am willing to press in and learn little by little, and think it is one of the skills we are no longer taught that is of high value. You may be in the same boat…

New college hires don’t last more than a year: Survey

Businesses don’t have much faith that recent college hires will stick around for very long, a new survey finds. Based on experiences, 77 percent of businesses expect a recent graduate hire to stay less than a year. The survey was conducted by Express Employment Professionals-which polled 115 of its franchise outlets across the U.

UNC report finds 18 years of academic fraud to keep athletes playing

For 18 years, thousands of students at the prestigious University of North Carolina took fake “paper classes,” and advisers funneled athletes into the program to keep them eligible, according to a scathing independent report released Wednesday. “These counselors saw the paper classes and the artificially high grades they yielded as key to helping some student-athletes remain eligible,” Kenneth Wainstein wrote in his report. He conducted an eight-month investigation into the scandal, which has plagued the university for nearly five years.

Oh marone! Pasta prices set to spiral higher

One case where that is especially prevalent is with durum wheat, the key ingredient in most pasta making. The 2014 harvest looks to be weak in 2014, putting heavy pressure on a market that has shown consistent price movement higher. David Maloni, president of the American Restaurant Association, explained Wednesday in his daily note titled, “Pasta buyers beware”:

$4.10 Per Pound: Ground Beef Price Climbs to Another Record High

The average price for a pound of ground beef climbed to another record high–$4.096 per pound–in the United States in September, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In August, according to BLS, the average price for a pound of all types of ground beef topped $4 for the first time–hitting $4.

Apocalypse Now: Preppers Are Gearing Up for Ebola

Jason Charles knows the exact moment he will lead his wife and five kids out of their Harlem home, pile into a car, and take off for the wilderness. It will be not long after Ebola reaches the population of New York City, hospitals overflow, and looting begins—when the first riots break out on the streets of Manhattan. “Right now it isn’t bad, but if the first case happens in New York, you start hearing about hundreds or thousands of people getting sick and it shotguns through the city, then you want to start getting your plan together to leave,” says the 37-year-old fireman and dedicated prepper.

17 Things About Men That Most Women Don’t Know

Do you feel like you truly understand men? Much has been written about how men don’t understand women, but the truth is that there is a whole lot about men that women don’t understand as well. The point is not to spark a debate about “the battle of the sexes” or anything like that.