Obama to Arm Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militants?

A new bill introduced in the U.S. Senate yesterday would authorize the Obama administration to send $350 million dollars worth of sophisticated weapons technology to Ukraine despite the fact that neo-nazi militants are openly fighting alongside Kiev forces.

If Scotland breaks away, these 8 places in Europe could be next

Given Europe’s complicated history and cultural diversity, the existence of independence-minded groups and regions is understandable. Even so, the sheer number of separatist movements in Europe may surprise you. Some of these groups have transformed their desire for separation into successful political movements; others are operating at a far lower level.

Census: Marriage rate at 93-year low, even including same-sex couples

The Census Bureau reported Thursday that the nation’s marriage rate is the lowest since 1920, and the first-time inclusion of same sex married couples did little to reverse the decline. According to Pew Research Center analysis, the marriage rate of Americans 18 and older hit a bottom of 50.3 percent in 2013, down from 50.

Super-rich rush to buy ‘Italian Job’ style gold bars

The super-rich are looking to protect their wealth through buying record numbers of “Italian job” style gold bars, according to bullion experts. The number of 12.5kg gold bars being bought by wealthy customers has increased 243pc so far this year, when compared to the same period last year, said Rob Halliday-Stein founder of BullionByPost.

Key Liberals Blast Hillary Clinton In Secret Emails

Emails sent by liberal activists and obtained by The Hill reveal significant dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. The critical messages about the former first lady show that she has a long way to go to assuage skepticism from influential voices on the left. The Hill reviewed hundreds of emails from a progressive members only Google group called the “Gamechanger Salon,” a forum where nearly 1,500 activists, strategists and journalists debate issues and craft messaging campaigns.

Ship from Liberia with Sick Passengers Docks in Louisiana…But Don’t Worry

When a ship from an Ebola-plagued nation docks on American shores with a crew full of sick passengers, by all means, we should bring them into the country and treat them. But don’t worry – the CDC figured it was probably fine. According to a release from the CDC, the ship was reported to have traveled to a port in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and others in Africa.

New Recruits Flock To ISIS Following Obama Speech

The Islamic State terrorist group has seen an uptick in recruits following president Obama’s address last week, when he indicated that airstrikes to combat the extremists would be expanded from Iraq to Syria. The intelligence comes via The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an independent group monitoring all aspects of the conflict within the country. The group indicated that 162 people had attended two separate training camps set up by ISIS in Aleppo province in the last week alone.

The Biblical Stance That Has Canada’s First Christian Law School Locked in a Major Debate Over Gay Rights

A plethora of debate continues to rage surrounding a proposed Canadian law school’s mandatory requirement that students and faculty sign a pledge affirming that they will not enter into same-sex relationships. While the council of the Law Society of New Brunswick, the province’s independent legal body, decided in June to offer accreditation to the School of Law at Trinity Western University, an opposing resolution was passed by members Saturday, asking that the decision be overturned. The nonbinding resolution passed 137 to 30, according to a press release from Trinity Western University, which is planning to open Canada’s first Christian law school in 2016.

Poll: Half of Palestinians support armed intifada against Israel

A public opinion poll published on Tuesday showed that half of the Palestinian public supports an armed intifada against Israel. The poll, published by the Nablus-based An-Najah University, included 1,360 Palestinians (860 from the West Bank and 500 from the Gaza Strip) above the age of 18, was conducted during the period from 11-13 September. It has a margin of error of three percent.

Obama administration forcing new gun buyers to declare race, ethnicity

The Obama administration quietly has been forcing new gun buyers to declare their race and ethnicity, a policy change that critics say provides little law enforcement value while creating the risk of privacy intrusions and racial profiling. With little fanfare, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in 2012 amended its Form 4473 — the transactional record the government requires gun purchasers and sellers to fill out when buying a firearm — to identify buyers as either Hispanic, Latino or not. Then a buyer must check his or her race:

Top U.S. Military Official Admits: Our Arab Allies Are Funding ISIS

During his testimony in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee, America’s top military official General Martin E. Dempsey admitted that the United States’ Arab allies in the middle east are funding ISIS. Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, “Do you know any major Arab ally that embraces ISIL?

The Federal Reserve signals intent to continue low interest rates

The Federal Reserve reassured financial markets Wednesday that a key interest rate will stay near zero for “a considerable time” after its bond purchases end next month, deferring for now a clear signal on how it will begin to shift away from low-rate policies it’s had in place since the 2008 financial crisis. In a statement following a two-day meeting, the Fed said it will continue to wind down monthly bond purchases that have held down long-term interest rates and end the program next month, assuming the labor market continues to improve. Fed Chair Janet Yellen will further explain the Fed’s thinking at a press conference scheduled for 2: