Muslim Clothing And ‘Quran Books’ Discarded Along The U.S.-Mexico Border

“I think it’d be naive to say that (ISIS is) not here…We have found Muslim clothing, they have found Quran books that are lying on the side of the trail, so we know that there are Muslims that have come across and are being smuggled into the United States,” Painter told Fox News. Making comments similar to what he told CNN last week, Painter had a direct message for the possible terrorist cells. “If they show their ugly head in our area, we’ll send them to hell,” said Painter.

Thousands March on Jerusalem in Support of Islamic State

A recent gathering consisting of thousands of supporters of the Islamic State (IS) took place at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, Israel’s Channel 10 News reported on Wednesday. The report was part of a story set to broadcast in full next week, which details how the Islamic State has zeroed in on Israel as its premier target in the near future. The rally, reportedly held on a recent Friday, was organized by the Tahrir (Liberation) party, an organization that seeks to unify all Muslim countries to create one massive Islamic state that is ruled by the barbaric, extreme rules of sharia law.

ISIS fighters using U.S. arms supplied to them by Saudi Arabia

Islamic State fighters appear to be using captured US military issue arms and weapons supplied to moderate rebels in Syria by Saudi Arabia, according to a report published on Monday. The study by the London-based small-arms research organisation Conflict Armament Research documented weapons seized by Kurdish forces from militants in Iraq and Syria over a 10-day period in July. The report said the jihadists disposed of “significant quantities” of US-made small arms including M16 assault rifles and included photos showing the markings “Property of US Govt”.

‘Grid Jihad’: What If You Only Had One Week To Prepare For The End Of The World?

With September 11 fast approaching, so too does the risk of another terrorist attack on US soil. They say this every year as the date approaches, but in 2014, it seems to carry a bit more weight than it has during other years. I’m referring specifically to all of those beheadings and the crazy video threat that warned, “We will drown all of you in blood“.

11 jetliners ‘missing’ after Islamist takeover of Libyan airport

Eleven commercial jets have reportedly been stolen in recent weeks in Libya, and Western intelligence agencies have begun warning they could be used in terror attacks on Sept. 11, the anniversary of the devastating Osama bin Laden-orchestrated attacks on New York and Washington that left nearly 3,000 dead. According to a report in the Free Beacon, the jets were taken by Islamist militias in Libya, and reports distributed within the U.

General McInerney: ‘We Helped Build ISIS’

During an appearance on Fox News, General Thomas McInerney acknowledged that the United States ‘helped build ISIS’ as a result of the group obtaining weapons from the Benghazi consulate in Libya which was attacked by jihadists in September 2012. Asked what he thought of the idea of arming so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels after FSA militants kidnapped UN peacekeepers in the Golan Heights, McInerney said the policy had been a failure. “We backed I believe in some cases, some of the wrong people and not in the right part of the Free Syrian Army and that’s a little confusing to people, so I’ve always maintained….

Islamic State vows to reach ‘Palestine’ and ‘Kill the Barbaric Jews’

The organization calling itself the Islamic State has risen from the fog of war in Syria and Iraq in recent months and drawn the attention of the world with major victories on both sides of the Euphrates River that have claimed swaths of territory for its declared caliphate, or Islamic State. Now in the organization’s new English language publication, Dabiq, aimed at young Muslims in western states, the extremist organization declared, “Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its path towards Palestine.” Denouncing the ineffectiveness of other Arab states and organizations in carrying out the “will of Allah,” the magazine vows that, “Its [Islamic State’s] actions speak louder than its words and it is only a matter of time and patience before it reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric Jews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees – the trees of the jews.